Friday, March 11, 2011

Japan Earthquake 8.9 richter scale, 11 March 2011

As usual I was sitting in cyber cafe at noon at nearby 12.20 and surfing on net suddenly I have open a fresh page of Google for search something, what I saw a note from Google that tsunami expected in pacific country, such as Chile, New Zealand, Australia, Hawaii, Malaysia, Indonesia etc. due to earthquake in Japan at 8.9 Richter scale . I ignored it because I know Japan have good infrastructure and there every time earthquake come and they  made their building quake-proof and I also have some work, but as time passes I realize that it was a major and I start searching on net as I don't have TV in my cyber cafe and I have found 17 images on yahoo news and there are only just 15 comments on that page. I start reading that comment within 1 minutes comment went 35, and images went to 22. And images are truly heart shaking. Then I started reading all stuff serial-wise and no time I realize that it is the big thing and it is going to screw the Japan. I were worried about other 20 more country who are going to face Tsunami. There is also a big problem that one of nuclear reactor of Japan had failed it's cooling system and there is a nuclear emergency, I worried as I know if nuclear reactor plant blast then it's very difficult to find out Japan on world map. I was continue to stick with yahoo news and start visiting and refreshing the page in every 15 minutes, and I also found some video on Youtube about eartquake but there is still no video of tsunami.

As time passes I found on 8.36pm that Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh, of India condoled the loss of lives in the earthquake in Japan and offered help. In a message to Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan, Dr. Singh said that India stands in solidarity with the people of Japan and is ready to help in any way required and our resources are at your disposal.
I thanks to our prime minister Manmohan Singh in my heart that  in this time of indeed our country is ready to help and it is first. 

At night 10.00pm I started TV at my home and put the news channel Aaj Tak, and I was shocked by seeing the footage, videos of tsunami and then I got the real idea how much big damn thing is this. I went online again and I found on yahoo news that  9:13 pm: Two more aftershocks measuring 5.1 magnitude shake Japan's east coast, reports the US Geological Survey  and - 9:50pmResponding to the problem at the Fukushima nuclear plant, the United States has despatched emergency supplies of coolant to Japan. Reporting this, Reuters quotes Secretary of State Hillary Clinton saying "We just had our Air Force assets in Japan transport some really important coolant to one of the nuclear plants. You know Japan is very reliant on nuclear power and they have very high engineering standards but one of their plants came under a lot of stress with the earthquake and didn't have enough coolant."

Oh my GOD what I had thought is it going to true ?? I shocked why I have think that ? and there is more earthquakes.

At last what I can do for Japan ?
at least I can pray with my heart..

Oh,  GOD be merciful on Japan..

give Japanese to strength to overcome from earthquake and tsunami...
and world also

Pray my frnds..

Here are some really heart shaking images of Japan.

May the Almighty God help us.. !!!!

Friday, March 4, 2011

English in Bihar, India

शरद जोशी की अनुपम कृति  "बिहार पहुंचकर 'नरभसा' गये शरद जोशी " के कुछ अंश

मैंने पटना में डाक बंगला रोड पर पूछा था --
     "नर्मदा अपार्टमेन्ट कहाँ है ?"
     "नर्मदा अपार्टमेन्ट ?" उसने प्रश्न किया |
     "जी |"
     "नर्मदा अपार्टमेन्ट जाना है ?" उसने फिर प्रश्न किया |
     "जी नर्मदा अपार्टमेन्ट |"
     "देखिये, यहाँ से स्ट्रेट जाइये फिर लेफ्ट को मुड़ के वहीँ  पिटरोल  पम्प के पास पूछ लीजिये |"
     तभी एक और सज्जन आ गये और पूछने लगे, "का बात है ?"
     "इन साहिब को नर्मदा अपार्टमेन्ट जाना है," दुसरे ने उत्तर दिया | इस पर वे सज्जन मेरी ओर घूमे और बोले-    
     "आपको कहाँ जाना है ?"
     "नर्मदा अपार्टमेन्ट," मैंने कहा |
     "क्या नर्मदा अपार्टमेन्ट जाइएगा ?"
     "जी | इन्होनें बताया कि आगे से लेफ्ट टर्न है ," मैनें पिण्ड छुड़ा आगे बढ़ने का प्रयत्न करते हुए कहा |
     "आपको नर्मदा अपार्टमेन्ट ही जाना है ना ?"
     "जी |"
     "ऐसा कीजिये, आप इहाँ से सीधे स्ट्रेट चले जाइये और जब लेफ्ट टर्न आये तो मुड़ जाइये | वहीँ एक पिटरोल पम्प है , वहीँ देखिएगा या किसी से पूछ लीजियेगा कि नर्मदा अपार्टमेन्ट कहाँ है तो वहीँ कोई बता देगा |"
     "हमने बताया इन्हें ," दुसरे ने कहा |
     "बताया ना | फिर काहे पूछ रहे हैं |"
     "आप सीधे चले जाइये |"
     "जी धन्यवाद ", मैं बढ़ने लगा |
     "का नर्मदा अपार्टमेन्ट जाना है ?" एक और आवाज आयी | इस बार मैं नहीं रुका पर पीछे से किसी ने कहा -
     "स्ट्रेट चले जाइये , फिर लेफ्ट को मुड़ जाइये |"
     मुझे लगता है उस तीसरे व्यक्ति को मेरा रुकना अच्छा न लगा होगा और ताज्जुब नहीं , उसने मुझे अंग्रेजी मिश्रित वाक्य में गाली भी दी हो - "डैम फूल ससुर , यहीं है, नहीं जानते नर्मदा अपार्टमेन्ट कहाँ है ?"

                          - शरद जोशी

"यत्र तत्र सर्वत्र" से, शरद जोशी की एक व्यंग्य पुस्तक

Some part of Sharad Joshi's unique work "Sharad Joshi got 'nervous' when reached Bihar"
(Bihar pahunchkar 'narbhasha' gye Sharad Joshi)

I asked at Dak Bungalow road in Patna
   "Where is Narmada Apartment ?"
   "Narmada Apartment ?" He asked.
   "Narmada Apartment to go ?" he asked again.
   "Yes Narmada Apartment."
    "See, Go straight from here then turn left at petrol pump and ask someone"
Then one more gentleman came and asked "What is it ?"
    "He want to go Narmada Apartment" second answered then he turned at me and asked - "Where do you want to go ?"
    "Narmada Apartment" I answered.
    "So do you want to go Narmada Apartment ? "
    "Yes, this man told me that there is a left turn from straight " I tried to escape and go ahead from this by saying that.
    "Are you sure want to go Narmada Apartment ?"
    "Then you should go straight from here and when left turn comes then turn, there is a petrol pump see there or ask someone, where is Narmada Apartment then he will tell you."
    "I told him," second speaks.
    "Did you tell !!, then why is he asking ?"
    "You should go straight."
    "Yes, thanks", I started walking.
    "Do you want to go Narmada Apartment ?" one more sound came. I did not stop but someone told from behind - "Go to straight then turn left"

     I think the third person did not like mine not stopping and I did not wonder that he gave me abuse in mixed English - "Damn fool father in law, he is here, and don't know where is Narmada Apartment ?"

                         - Sharad Joshi.

From a book of Sharad Joshi "Yatra Ttra Sarvatra"

English Translation  by   Satyamaditya Yadav